I fear that Kerry will hyperventilate during this first question. And when he thanked the state of Florida, I feared he would lost his allotted time. When they just showed Bush's face, he had set his mouth tightly--very unattractive.
Bush: "multiprong strategy"--um, huh?
Taliban no longer in power? What about Taliban still in existence while we peel off to fight other wars.
"Cause i understand free nations will reject terror." Um, no.
"I've shown the American people I know how to lead." You have shown us you know how to barrel through the world like a linebacker.
"A group of killers who will not only kill here but kill children..."
"Constantly stay on the offensive and at the same time spread liberty." How, exactly?
Iraq is "hard work." Understatement.
Kerry: We also have to be smart." (dis!) brings up 9/11 commission. Nice. Kick the rationalizations to go to war to the curb.
"Pres. made colossal error in judgement." Bush looked like he wanted to spin his head around.
Bin Laden. OOoh, criticizing "outsourcing" to Northern Alliance. Interesting.
Blinky, blinky Bush, when Kerry jokes "where do you want me to begin" on the "colossal errors."
Bush still looking like he's going to boing boing out of a box any second now.
Kerry's eyes look strong.
Bush sniffs.
Ah, money in Iraq that should be at home. And, not only that, it should be in Afghanistan....ah, right...
10 times the number of troops in Iraq than he has in Afghanistan.
Bush: Says K declared in 2002 Saddam was great threat. Kerry nods.
"I went to the UN." Um. Then you left.
Bush is doing that smirk that makes him look like a slithering frog puppet.
Jim: what about priorites, I vs. A?
Bush: "We have the capabilities to do both." What about North Korea? Iran?
SLIP! "Of course we're after Saddam Hussein, uh, bin Laden..."
(Bad bad.)
(He's confusing the crowd with why Zarqawi is fighting Americans.)
On Allawi: doesn't want mixed signals.
Kerry: "Iraq was not at the center of the war on terror before the pres invaded it." (nice!)
no plan to win the peace. good.
Ooh, brave. brings up the body armor. Interesting choice. Waiting for Bush counterattack on K's not voting for the armor.
Bush: here he goes...Kerry voted against use of force. Way to win is to be steadfast and resolved.
Kerry: I am. But that doesn't mean it wasn't a mistake to go there...We can succeed but I don't think this president can.
Jim: Homeland security.
Kerry: Money to Iraq, and cops program in America cut. Firehouses in Iraq, closing firehouses at home.
(Bush is pinching his mouth again. Blinky blinky.)
Kerry is much better at looking distinguished when he listens. Bush looks itchy and irritated.
And note the way when they show K and B side by side B's podium is higher. Shorty.
Bush: How's he going to pay for all these promises, "It's like a huge tax gap...anyway." (Shrug. Looks like a kid doing this.) "This is for another debate." Yes. Great.
"We've also changed the culture of the FBI..." And how's that working for you.
"The Patriot Act is vital." Blah.
Kerry: FBI. Points out untranslated tapes.
Bush: "Course we do everything we can to protect America." He's losing himself here, huffing.
(Thumping podium. Yelling.)
Jim: Bringing troops home.
Bush: (stuttery): Train the Iraqis. "Artificials deadlines won't work."
Everyone thanks the troops. But Kerry adds: "Help is on the way."
Anecdote from Kerry: Two Guard members saying "We need you." Brings up Bush I. (I fear Bush will prostrate himself and beg to be killed on stage if Kerry keeps up with this Daddy-did-bad trope.)
Bush brings up the $87 billion supplemental.
Here's kerry's chance.
"I made a mistake in how I talk about Iraq, the president made a mistake in invading. Which is worse?"
Attacking B for not holding "statesmanlike summits." Halliburton. Dis.
Bush: "My opponent says we didn't have any allies in this war?" Yes, Britain, okay. Poland, uh, okay. Anyone else? Bueller?