Spam Poetics
"lot mistress law would us standing hurry supper. lived nearly page jealous south
days team fell loss. though criticize even writer makes?"
[It's so hard not to blog these spams. I'm mesmerized by them. Feel free to ignore. I believe the word lists just give web search tentacles things to grab onto--e.g. note "marriage" listed so many times in this spam for Viagra, etc.--but i can't help but think they are amazing.]
quarter body repeated seemed, hour farther whom clean servants, appearance
recess taught more kind themselves complete develop climb"
thousand progress known easy ears shoulder! fire always of before chief" much
piece america hurried planning couldnt thursday handwriting very way. green died
secret central maam hands,
road free married often degree hear kitchen game ah until, so writing living
yours garden garden return, hurrying any against mine living fixed chose
understand hundred,
ay earth looked of bad peculiar develop natural beautiful. actual scarcely that
purpose any hurrying, whenever name away no wait pounds send again teacher
shine. sister already believed men disappear drew afternoon others" hot married
something wine twenty summary servant.
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