Thursday, September 30, 2004

Walking Off the Stage

Teresa and Laura are dressed in similar white/cream color suits. And they acknowledged it. And seemed quite friendly. They touched each other's arms and as they stepped away from each other, there was that woman-to-woman lingering thing.

This part was so bizarre. Underscored the theater-nature of the whole production.

Flipping channels now--George Stephanopoulos seems to have liked Kerry's substance AND tone. Sen. Edwards is looking boyish on NBC, cheerleading as he should be. David Brooks on PBS says Kerry didn't hit hard enough on the management of the war. Terry Moran on ABC thinks the pres was "in a scrap up there." Yup. "But he managed I think to get through his main point." Thinks Bush's camp will say he "handled his own." Doesn't think he hung the flip-flop charge around Kerry's neck effectively. Dean Reynolds, ABC, says the public will enjoy that Kerry fought back. Points to Kerry's phrase:

"It's one thing to be certain, but you can be certain and be wrong."


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