Thursday, September 30, 2004

...Instablah-Debate Cont'd. 3...

Kerry: making the distinction between who our enemy is. Yes, John, tell the people that there is a difference. Tell them that we saved our best troops from Afghanistan so they could go to Iraq and fight the war the Bushies wanted.
Saddam would not have gotten stronger, he says.

Bush: "Listen. Of course I know Osama bin Laden attacked us." You do? YOU DO?
"He had the capability to make weapons and he would have made them."

Kerry: 35-45 countries in the world had a greater capability. Brings up Darfur.

Jim: Concept of preemptive war?

Kerry: Pres always has the right. No pres through all Amer history has ever ceded right to preempt right to protect U.S.A. Got to do it in a way that passes "the global test." "Prove to the world you did it for legitimate reasons."
Cuban Missile Crisis.
OOh, brings up Bush refusing to sign Kyoto.

Bush: Doesn't get what Kerry mean by "pass a global test." "You act to make this country secure." (Points here?)
International Criminal Court. Makes them sound like criminals themselves. "It was the right move not to join a foreign court where our people could be prosecuted." (Never, ever lose unilaterism.)

Jim: North Korea and Iran.

Bush: Just said "NUCULAR."
(He's getting bullyish when talking about North Korea, then he loses his shit . Um, then he pronounces "mullahs" "MOOLAHS" and continues to delight by contrasting this word with "NUCULAR" a couple more times. Wheeee!)

Jim: Darfur. Why don't either of you talk about it.

Kerry: "Yes, it is a genocide." Says we can do this through the African union, but need logistical support.
"We've got a back-door draft." Stop-loss programs.
Would double the number of special forces. "I'd be prepared to do it" forces in Sudan. Never another Rwanda.

Bush: Around and around with sanctions in Iran. Audience gets snoozy on this.


Bush: Admires Kerry's service to our country. Admires his daughters. Admires that he served in the Senate. But doesn't like his record. Won't hold it against him that he went to Yale. (HAW!)
"You cannot lead if you send mex-mixed messages." Again, he says, "mex-mixed messages."

Kerry appreciates the personal comments the pres just made.
"I'm trying to put a leash on them." -Bush on his daughters.
"Well, I've learned not to do that." -Kerry
(I feel vomitatious. Right up in my sterum. Feel like puking.)


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