Wednesday, July 02, 2008

In This Entry, I Make a Man Blush

Today, we introduce a new character to our series on IM chats. He shall be known as Another Man in Baghdad.

AMiB: Thank god for the Internet chat room.

McBickle: That sounds very early Internet.

AMiB: Not chat room per se (never been), but chat whatever this is.

McBickle: Window.

AMiB: [REDACTED NOUN] turns up in the strangest places.

McBickle: We're hanging out in the window.

AMiB: Window, whatever. Wow…

McBickle: Well, I'm not the strangest place.

AMiB: How country of us.

McBickle: True. You're wearing gingham?

AMiB: Poplin.

McBickle: Hot.

McBickle: I'm feeling the Internet window breeze on my legs.

AMiB: I'm chewing on an Internet piece of straw.

AMiB: And smelling your fresh blackberry internet pie on the windowsill.

McBickle: Cute. Although, I didn't make pie. You did.

AMiB: (Blush.)


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