Thursday, December 01, 2005


I’m on the way home on the train tonight, talking to a guy colleague about parasites, misogynists and other colleagues.

A seemingly homeless man walks by with an armful of “The Onion,” possibly trying to sell the free paper, which makes us laugh in a terribly mean way. (Less at the man, more at the idea. I really think that’s true.)

Just as he squeezes by us, he launches into a primal kind of screaming. At first, I think it is a very distorted version of “Help me! Heeeelp meeee!” But as the train falls silent, I realize it is truly just gibberish.

My colleague, without skipping a beat, and with the honest mindset of an ever-absorbing reporter, marvels:

“I love his unorthodox screaming style.”

This strikes me as the funniest response to a very strange and awful situation I have ever heard. The screaming man gets off at the next stop, and my colleague and I laugh for the rest of our ride to Brooklyn.

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At 2:04 PM, Blogger Trena said...

Biting, tear-inducing humor. Layers of onion skin to keep us safe ... and resiliant to the collective primal.

Some very brilliant but jaded gibberish, er, I mean style!

At 2:36 PM, Blogger Trena said...

Ps. I read therefore, I link ... may I?

At 2:38 PM, Blogger Trena said...

Pps. I mean your cave to mine?

At 2:39 PM, Blogger TK said...

thanks, md. (dr.?)
my goal is actually to write very brilliant but jaded gibberish, so i'm happy to hear you think i've succeeded.

At 2:42 PM, Blogger TK said...

hey, course you can.
much appreciated.
you know, to spread the gibberish.


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