Wednesday, November 30, 2005

For One Blog-Entry Only

There is a 2-for-1 offering at my local psychic today, says the outdoor sign, which also carries the funniest misspelling on any sign I have ever seen. That part is printed on, and it took two years for anyone to attempt to fix it with a marker. I would reveal it here, but then you all in bloggerland would be able to pinpoint the exact whereabouts of my batcave, and the Lady McBickle does so treasure her imagined semi-anonymity.

The sign also offers "10% off, One Free Question."

I don’t want to deconstruct that phrase. I do want to ask, however, what would you be asking today, if you had One Free Question?

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At 7:44 PM, Blogger TK said...

anyone? bueller?

At 1:51 PM, Blogger Trena said...

Does the answer come with a 90% rebate?

At 2:24 PM, Blogger Trena said...

Ps. I suspect the Word Verification requirement (listed just beneath the Choose an Identity option) is more than a spam blocker.

Is my comment about to be tracked and analyzed to determine which batcaves appeal to me so
bloggerland may pinpoint marketing targets?

Being able to choose anonymity should be treasured because safety is only ever imagined :)

Nice to meet you, Lady McBickle. The introduction was made through extraspecialbitter's cave, verified with: zufum!! :)


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