Thursday, March 03, 2005

Mourning in the Morning

I should never read the news while trying to get ready for work.

In case you haven’t heard, Bubba, the 22-pound lobster rescued from a Pittsburgh fish market, died today in transport to a museum. And not just any museum, but the Ripley's Believe It or Not museum. Bubba stopped off at a Pittsburgh zoo on his way to his home at Ripley’s, and this is where he expired.

This makes me sad.

Bubba was caught off the Massachusetts coast, and was thought to be 100 years old. Some people put him more at 50. Regardless, this guy lived about a century in the bottom of the ocean, only to die rather immediately in captivity. He lived for about a week at the fish market before succumbing at the zoo. Poor Bubba.

“They're very finicky,” said a zoo spokeswoman. “It could have been a change in the water. You have no idea.”

I’m willing to bet Bubba died of dismay.


At 11:06 AM, Blogger TK said...

See? Not only should I not read the news before work, but you should probably not read my blog in the morning. Not today, anyway. Although I have cheered up immensely since leaving my house, so from now on, it might be safe.


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