Monday, January 31, 2005


This is one of those cheap rip-offs of another news outlet’s story. I heard this one on NPR a few weeks ago, and ta-da! Here it is, brand new from the AP.

I only post it here for the headline they slapped on it:

Love Grows From Back Seat of NY Cab

Because, hey, discounting the obvious frolicking, I hate to think of what this headline literally means. I mean, really. We sit in those seats, too.


At 1:44 AM, Blogger she said...

"He even has an agent shopping his story to producers in Hollywood." good god damn we live in a pathetic world.

At 11:16 AM, Blogger TK said...

at least it's predictable.

i was reading in the NYT magazine last weekend about the guy who invented more than 200 psychedelic drugs, all with federal approval. he's the father of E. anyway, it seemed appropriate to mention here: either you hate the world, or you escape it. then again, maybe you can change it?
um, ha. ha ha. hahahahahaha....

At 1:06 PM, Blogger she said...

i pretty much try to dip into all three. perhaps that is why i am such a nutcase. but a nutcase with a cause damnit.

At 1:18 PM, Blogger TK said...

it's all we can hope for, really...


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