Friday, September 25, 2009


The sun goes down earlier now. This was taken at just before 8 p.m. as I walked home the other night. There are men working within that scaffolding. With those startling lights, I felt like I’d come upon an Italian carnevale, something like San Genarro. I stood too far into the street with cars approaching to show you this.

The carapace held these hammering men so neatly. It was like a mini-house turned inside-out.


At 7:14 PM, Blogger extraspecialbitter said...

Thank you for this photo and your brief description. Having transplanted to Boston over 13 years ago, I rarely miss New York, but the mere mention of San Genarro touched off an unexpected flurry of memories, and the lights of the construction project served as the ultimate exclamation point.

At 1:27 PM, Blogger TK said...

oh wow, thanks. thanks for reading still, esb. i fucking love new york. i'm always hope i do it justice.

At 1:28 PM, Blogger TK said...

sometime i should post photos i took on september 13, 2001, of the unused rides set up for san genarro. they were covered in a thick layer of ash.


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