Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Women on Top

So our newsroom was tuned in for Katie Couric's CBS Evening News debut tonight. I'm not sure how she performed, exactly, but I will say that we performed exactly as expected:

"Whoa! What happened to her face!"

"She looks nervous."

"Why does she look so different?"

And we wonder why women never rise to such positions.

And then we wonder why we must perpetuate our own stereotypes when we do get there. (Although we could just as easily wonder why that is a bad thing. Oh, the tangled web...)

I leapt out of my chair and attempted to claw the screen at the end of her broadcast when she said she had not yet come up with an appropriate sign-off, ran a reel of a bunch of male newscasters giving theirs, and then asked the public's help to come up with hers.

Log on, kids! It's a a touchy-feely world with a woman at the helm! We will decide by consensus how I'll say goodnight to you!

And you'll love it!


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