Tuesday, August 29, 2006

And Now I Wait and Hope for More

I sit in my office. A colleague enters.

[enter colleague.]

"I've been having dreams that I have long, floppy octopus arms."

[colleague flops arms appreciably.]

"In one dream, I was using my useless long, floppy arms to try to get a girl out of a well. I couldn't. Last night, I was using my useless long, floppy arms to carry wood above my head. It didn't work so well either."

[exit colleague.]

Work, work, work. Hm, hm, hm.

[enter second colleague.]

"I realized just now that I needed to get pictures taken out at BAM, so I thought I'd call my friend and see if she could run over and do it. Then i realized it's 5 o'clock, and she's probably not still in Brooklyn. But then I thought, well, it's an hour earlier there. And then I realized, um, no, Brooklyn is not in a different time zone from Manahattan."

[exit colleague.]

Work, work, work. Hm, hm, hm.


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