Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Worst. Pickup Line. Ever.

I was at a bar last night with a friend. Said friend got up to pee. She left her perfectly average, if thin, cell phone on the bar.

“That’s a really cool phone,” the guy who had been on the other side of my friend leans over and says to me.

“Yeah, it’s not mine,” I say, looking away.

“It looks like something out of ‘Star Trek,’” he says.

Way to go, buddy. Ain’t no girl in New York, no matter how secretly nerdy she is, that will think that’s a good conversation opener.

“Why, yes!” I might have said. “That’s so insanely hot of you to notice my friend’s phone! ‘Star Trek,’ yeah! Can we go to a convention together sometime? Wanna beam me back to your house tonight?”

Live long, and date never, dude.


At 2:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It could have been worse: "Want to see my light saber?" (Which invites the question of which nerdity is more of a turn off: Star Trek or Star Wars? Or am I revealing my own nerditude by asking this question? Is meta-nerditude less bad than plain nerditude? What about meta-meta-nerditude ... ?)


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