Wednesday, August 10, 2005

A Moment to Discuss the Midget

My poor car. It has a hairline fracture in its head. And its gasket is blown. And it’s going to cost me about $1,500. And that includes using a replacement head from a junkyard to keep the cost down. I bought the midget for $1,800. And don’t ask me what a head is.

I also want to mention that in my year and a half of owning the midg, I have never had a conversation with a mechanic in the presence of a man whereby the mechanic would actually look at me when he spoke. Usually, a friend comes along. A guy I’ll call Superman, because he has rescued me each and every time my car breaks down, including one time on the BQE in the morning. Supe just rolled up and saved me. Random.

Anyway, the mechanics. They only talk to other men, not me. Because they know I don’t know what a head is. Right. That’s it.


At 12:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

did i tell you that my dad owns a repair shop. He was named the mechanic of the century- isn't that funny. Anyways, yeah he is good, does all the cars for the local tv stations, has his own "fix your car" tv show and is the "automotive" expert when they have those "expose your bad mechanic" segements.

anyways, none of this helps you as his shop is a little south of where you currently live.

At 3:24 PM, Blogger TK said...

"expose your bad mechanic" sounds really, really dirty. in my head, i mean.


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