The Comforting Sound of Tony Blair
I want to reflect publicly for a moment about the effect of Tony Blair’s voice on…me. I’m not sure if I’ve ever written about this before, but it is an effect I first encountered after Sept. 11th. Blair came on the radio—I didn’t have a TV then—and all the anxiety I had been feeling dulled. Like a physical feeling, like a blade dulling, or a baby being cooed to sleep. His voice tumbled onward, quietly, assuredly…I lost a sense of what he was saying…I became lulled by the sound of Tony Blair’s voice.
Again, this morning, I was lulled. It was in my car when Blair came on WNYC to address this morning’s incidents in London. What a comforting voice…
It is your use of anonymous sources, even when they are me-ish, that any journalist worth her salt would find most upsetting, V. But worth salt, I am not.
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