Tuesday, April 08, 2008

T-Shirts I Shall Make Toute de Suite

*“Owls Are Assholes”

**“Beards Are Evil” ™

***“All Cats Have the Same Face” ™

****“Half of Tadzio’s Face From ‘Death in Venice’ and the Other Half Melting” ™


*An actual Onion T-shirt Mza and I purchased for ourselves and wear daily, nightly, and in the bath.

**They are. They just are.

***Mza said she decided this once when she was stoned.

****Which reminded me of the time I was on…hallucinogens…and decided this about my then-boyfriend as we lay in bed staring at each other. For six hours.


At 1:06 PM, Blogger TK said...

said ex just IM'd me to remind me about the rest of what happened during our hallucinogenic night: he decided pete sampras lived in his balls.


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