Wednesday, November 03, 2004

There Are Men Hammering On My Roof

Such is the course of a morning trying to sleep in.
It was a late night in a room half-full of oversized white people wearing diamond pinky rings and looking for the more important person than you to talk to. It was a political party with NO TV. I had to call in for the latest on the election. NO TV.

And, a few judges up for reelection and only one actual politician in the race.

The night, it was as awful as it sounds.

And now the morning, it is as miserable as the radio makes it seem, I do believe. When Rove is getting his "redeeming" popular vote, I have every good reason to turn it all off and enjoy the more soothing sounds of the blam-blam of the hammers on the roof. Blam-blam is a better sound than what I'm hearing about the election. "We really are a nation moving far more to the right," says Bob Henley from NJ as I type.

I'm off to self-soothe.


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