Friday, August 28, 2009

They, Perhaps, Did Not Forsee This

Sandwich board on Seventh Avenue in the 20s. 5:53 p.m., August 27, 2009.

Friday, August 21, 2009

"Sometimes I feel like my boobs are attacking me."

Anonyfriend: Sometimes I feel like my boobs are attacking me.

McBickle: ZOMG. What does this mean.

Anonyfriend: They're pushed up today.

McBickle: Mrs. Ladyfriend says: Holy shit.
Mrs. Ladyfriend: Holy shit. Ain’t never felt that way.

Anonyfriend: And I feel like they're creeping up.

McBickle: You wear ’em high.

Anonyfriend: Just looked down and was like, “Leave me alone.”

Accidental Photo Taken Last Night

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thy Will Be Done...(Fur)

Mza just tuned in her IM channel to me:

Mza: Bleeg. Splarg.
McBickle: Bloop

She wanted to show me a possible vacation rental:

Oy, there are SUCH pretty houses on that site.
McBickle: Oy.
Mza: Like, rehabbed old Cape Cod beach cottages. Love. This one is newer and a little farther from the beach but it's cheap. Is it further or farther, in that context?
McBickle: Farther. Think "far."
Mza: In what context do you think "fur?"
McBickle: Often.
Mza: Please post that on your blog.
McBickle: OK.
