He brought me a peeled Clementine fanned-out open on a small blue plate.
Telling Stories Anyone Wants to Hear
This is an actual piece of a conversation I had recently with My Fake Boyfriend about a woman he’s been seeing:
“She always rubs my neck and the back of my head. Do you know how much I hate that? I can’t deal with someone always touching the back of my head. How am I supposed to date someone who every time I see her wants me to do, like, isometric neck exercises?”
Mza: I saw a recipe for absinthe cupcakes.
There is a mostly empty jar of Paul Newman’s tomato sauce on my kitchen counter. A papery label flies off its side.
There is screaming outside. Possibly playing, but suddenly too adult-voiced to be playing. A dog is barking. I ignore the screaming. This is Brooklyn: screaming happens.
While I'm not one to be big into horoscopes, I read them occasionally with a critical eye, as I sometimes do poetry, literature, criticism, philosophy. So, this: